Syllabus PHYS 7331
January 13
Introduction to the course
Basic concepts in Network Science pt1 (Theory)
Introduction to the course
Basic concepts in Network Science pt1 (Theory)
January 15
Basic concepts in Network Science pt 2 (Theory)
Ourselves and Our Interactions: The Ultimate Physics Problem?
Science 24 July 2009: 406-408
The Network Takeover
Nature Physics, 8, 14-16, 2008
Predicting the Behavior of Techno-Social Systems
Science 24 July 2009: 425-428
General References
Networks: An Introduction. M.E.J. Newman. Oxford University Press. Chapters 2,3,4,5
Network Science, A.L. Barabási, Chapter 1
Basic concepts in Network Science pt 2 (Theory)
Ourselves and Our Interactions: The Ultimate Physics Problem?
Science 24 July 2009: 406-408
The Network Takeover
Nature Physics, 8, 14-16, 2008
Predicting the Behavior of Techno-Social Systems
Science 24 July 2009: 425-428
General References
Networks: An Introduction. M.E.J. Newman. Oxford University Press. Chapters 2,3,4,5
Network Science, A.L. Barabási, Chapter 1
January 20
Introduction to python
Helpful material:
Official tutorial
Google Python course
Interactive Python tutorial
Course IPython notebook
Introduction to python
Helpful material:
Official tutorial
Google Python course
Interactive Python tutorial
Course IPython notebook
January 22
Networks metrics and their statistical features (Theory)
Networks: An Introduction. M.E.J. Newman. Oxford University Press. Chapter 6
Dynamical Processes on Complex Networks, A. Barrat, M. Barthelemy, A. Vespignani, Cambridge University Press. Chapter 1.
Network Science, A.L. Barabasi, Chapter 2
Networks metrics and their statistical features (Theory)
Networks: An Introduction. M.E.J. Newman. Oxford University Press. Chapter 6
Dynamical Processes on Complex Networks, A. Barrat, M. Barthelemy, A. Vespignani, Cambridge University Press. Chapter 1.
Network Science, A.L. Barabasi, Chapter 2
January 29
Computational techniques to store and describe networks (Real data hands on)
Computational techniques to store and describe networks (Real data hands on)
February 3
Networks metrics and their statistical features (Real data hands on)
Networks metrics and their statistical features (Real data hands on)
February 5
Centrality measures (Theory)
Networks: An Introduction. M.E.J. Newman. Oxford University Press. Chapter 7.
Dynamical Processes on Complex Networks, A. Barrat, M. Barthelemy, A. Vespignani, Cambridge University Press. Chapter 8
The anatomy of a large-scale hypertextual Web search engine, S. Bring, L. Page, Computer Networks and ISDN Systems, 30, 1–7, April 1998, Pages 107–117
Centrality measures (Theory)
Networks: An Introduction. M.E.J. Newman. Oxford University Press. Chapter 7.
Dynamical Processes on Complex Networks, A. Barrat, M. Barthelemy, A. Vespignani, Cambridge University Press. Chapter 8
The anatomy of a large-scale hypertextual Web search engine, S. Bring, L. Page, Computer Networks and ISDN Systems, 30, 1–7, April 1998, Pages 107–117
February 12
Centrality measures (Practice)
Centrality measures (Practice)
February 17
Centrality measures II (Real data hands on)
First assignment
Centrality measures II (Real data hands on)
First assignment
February 19
Community detection (Theory)
Community detection in graphs. S. Fortunato, Physics Reports 486.3 (2010): 75-174.
Networks: An Introduction. M.E.J. Newman. Oxford University Press. Chapter 11
Community detection (Theory)
Community detection in graphs. S. Fortunato, Physics Reports 486.3 (2010): 75-174.
Networks: An Introduction. M.E.J. Newman. Oxford University Press. Chapter 11
February 24
Community detection (Real data hands on)
Community detection (Real data hands on)
February 26
Dynamics on networks (Theory)
Networks: An Introduction. M.E.J. Newman. Oxford University Press. Chapter 16,17,18,19
Dynamical Processes on Complex Networks, A. Barrat, M. Barthelemy, A. Vespignani, Cambridge University Press. Chapters 8,9
Network Science, A.L. Barabasi, Chapter 10
First assignment due
Dynamics on networks (Theory)
Networks: An Introduction. M.E.J. Newman. Oxford University Press. Chapter 16,17,18,19
Dynamical Processes on Complex Networks, A. Barrat, M. Barthelemy, A. Vespignani, Cambridge University Press. Chapters 8,9
Network Science, A.L. Barabasi, Chapter 10
First assignment due
March 3
Dynamics on networks (Practice)
Dynamics on networks (Practice)
March 5
Dynamics on networks II (Real data hands on)
Dynamics on networks II (Real data hands on)
March 17
Temporal networks (Theory)
Temporal Networks, P. Holme, J. Saramaki, Physics Reports, 2012
Temporal networks (Theory)
Temporal Networks, P. Holme, J. Saramaki, Physics Reports, 2012
March 19
Temporal networks (Real data hands on)
Temporal networks (Real data hands on)
March 24
Web data mining (Theory)
Guest Lecturer: Dr Q. Zhang
Mining of Massive Datasets, J. Leskovec, A. Rajaraman, J. D. Ullman, Cambridge University Press (2011) : Chapter 1, 4, 10
Mining the Social Web 2nd Ed, M. A. Russell, O'Reilley Publishing (2013): Chapter 1,2,9
Web data mining (Theory)
Guest Lecturer: Dr Q. Zhang
Mining of Massive Datasets, J. Leskovec, A. Rajaraman, J. D. Ullman, Cambridge University Press (2011) : Chapter 1, 4, 10
Mining the Social Web 2nd Ed, M. A. Russell, O'Reilley Publishing (2013): Chapter 1,2,9
March 26
Web data mining (Practice)
Guest Lecturer: Dr Q. Zhang
Web data mining (Practice)
Guest Lecturer: Dr Q. Zhang
March 31
Web data mining (Real data hands on)
Guest Lecturer: Dr Q. Zhang
Second assignment
Web data mining (Real data hands on)
Guest Lecturer: Dr Q. Zhang
Second assignment
April 2
Network sampling (Theory)
Sampling Community Structure, A Maiya, T. Berger‐Wolf. WWW’10, 701‐710, 2010
Walking in Facebook: A case study of unbiased sampling of OSN, M. Gjoka, M. Kurant, C. Butts, A. Markopoulou. INFOCOM, 2498‐2506, 2010
Network Sampling: From Static to Streaming Graphs, N. Ahmed, J. Neville, R. Kompella, TKDD, 8, 2 2014
Damage detection via shortest path network sampling, F. Ciulla, N. Perra, A. Baronchelli, A. Vespignani, PRE, 89, 052816, arxiv:1401.6982, 2014
Network sampling (Theory)
Sampling Community Structure, A Maiya, T. Berger‐Wolf. WWW’10, 701‐710, 2010
Walking in Facebook: A case study of unbiased sampling of OSN, M. Gjoka, M. Kurant, C. Butts, A. Markopoulou. INFOCOM, 2498‐2506, 2010
Network Sampling: From Static to Streaming Graphs, N. Ahmed, J. Neville, R. Kompella, TKDD, 8, 2 2014
Damage detection via shortest path network sampling, F. Ciulla, N. Perra, A. Baronchelli, A. Vespignani, PRE, 89, 052816, arxiv:1401.6982, 2014
April 7
Network sampling (Practice)
Network sampling (Practice)
April 9
Network sampling (Real data hands on)
Second assignment due
Network sampling (Real data hands on)
Second assignment due
April 14
Networks visualization (Theory)
Network visualization: a review. M. Withall, M. Phillips, D. Parish, IET Communications, 1 (3), pp. 365-372
Large scale networks fingerprinting and visualization using the k-core decomposition, J. I Alvarez-Hamelin, L. Dall'Asta, A. Barrat, A. Vespignani, Advances in neural information processing systems, 41--50, 2005
Networks visualization (Theory)
Network visualization: a review. M. Withall, M. Phillips, D. Parish, IET Communications, 1 (3), pp. 365-372
Large scale networks fingerprinting and visualization using the k-core decomposition, J. I Alvarez-Hamelin, L. Dall'Asta, A. Barrat, A. Vespignani, Advances in neural information processing systems, 41--50, 2005
April 16
Network visualization I (Real data hands on)
Network visualization I (Real data hands on)
April 21
Project presentations
Project presentations
Aril 23
Project presentations
Project presentations